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Can Dogs Eat Pear? Is Pear Safe For Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Pear? Is Pear Safe For Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Pear? Is Pear Safe For Dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Pear? Is Pear Safe For Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Pears

There are so many healthy and safe fruits that your dog can eat, but some of my favorites are pears. Pears are crunchy and refreshing treats for a hot day. But as dog owners, we can ask, can dogs eat pears? Most importantly, are pears good or bad for dogs? These are all excellent questions.

As a responsible dog owner, you must ask these essential questions when it comes to feeding your dog human food. Fortunately, you are here because I have good news for you and the other pear lovers.

Yes, dogs can eat pears.

Dogs can eat pears when given in moderation. Although pears contain many good nutrients, this fruit may not be ideal for dogs. Most of the best nutrients in a pear, like fiber and vitamin C, will not benefit a dog as much as we think.

However, this does not mean that pears will do nothing for your dog. In some cases, the nutrients can benefit your dog. But despite the health benefits of pears, there are also side effects and risks associated with feeding your dog a few pieces of pear

How Many Pears Can Dogs Eat?

The fact that pears are safe for dogs does not mean that your dog should eat lots of pears regularly. In moderation, pears are a healthy snack, full of vitamin C, vitamin A, and fiber. However, as with any food you give your dog, too many pears can cause stomach upset. So is that too much? Veterinarians recommend limiting your dog's treats to 10% of their daily food intake. For small dogs, this means that a slice of pear from time to time is enough, and a whole pear is probably too much. If in doubt, ask your veterinarian.

Risks Of Feeding Pears To Dogs

There are some risks associated with feeding pears to dogs. Pears are safe for dogs, but even safe food can be a choking hazard. Cut the pears into bite-size pieces and watch your dog carefully while he eats to prevent him from choking.
Pear seeds contain traces of toxic cyanide. As tempting as it is to throw your dog the rest of your pear kernel, avoid giving your dog the pear parts with seeds, because not only are they toxic in large quantities, but the seeds can also cause choking.

Dogs And Pears: 9 Risks To Know

Pears are a sure reward for your dog once in a while when properly prepared. Some things to watch out for when sharing these delicious ripe fruit are:

1. Feed only ripe fruits, green fruits can have side effects on digestion and cause stomach upset.
2. Always remove seeds because they contain traces of cyanide, which are toxic in large quantities.
3. Never give your dog a whole pear, this can easily become a choking hazard.
4. Whole fruits, if digested, can cause intestinal obstructions, so always cut the pears.
5. Tear off the leaves and stems because the texture is rigid and can tear the lining of the esophagus.
6. Feed a slice of pear from time to time because the fruit contains about 9.7 grams of total sugar, which is not good for your teeth, contributes to weight gain and can cause stomach upset
7. Do not give your dog canned or candied pears because it contains very large amounts of sugar in the syrup.
8. Moldy, spoiled, or rotten fruits cause diarrhea and upset stomach.
9. Fermented fruit turns into alcohol, which is bad for dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Canned Pears?

Can Dogs Eat Pear? Is Pear Safe For Dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Pear? Is Pear Safe For Dogs?

Canned pears are not good for dogs, just like most canned fruits. Canned pears contain too much sugar, which can irritate your dog's digestive tract and cause obesity. Fresh and ripe pears are the best pears to feed dogs.

It is always a good idea to ask your veterinarian before starting your dog with a new treat. Your veterinarian has years of experience and knowledge that can help keep your dog safe from harmful people and can also help you find other healthy and safe dog snacks.

How To Serve Seedless Pears For Dogs

Dogs eat pears and can love them as much as their parents, but too much and some parts can have side effects. As with any new food that you introduce for the first time, always speak to your veterinarian before making sure there is no risk to your pet's health.

Pears are good for dogs to eat if you prepare them properly. Follow these simple instructions to prepare a pear as a treat for your dog.

1. Choose only the most ripe pears to share with your dog.
2. Tear off the stem with the leaves.
3. Wash the fruit well to remove any residue or chemical.
4. Cut the fruit in the middle.
5. Cut one half in half.
6. Take out the seeds.
8. 9 Make sure to cut off any remaining part of the core.
9. Cut each piece into 1-inch slices.
10. Serve one or two fresh slices to your dog. Small breeds 11. should have only one slice.
12. Stretch the treat by cutting a slice into 1-inch pieces.
13. Use it as a garnish for your dog's next meal, eat it fresh or frozen for the next occasion!

Can Eating Pears Be Dangerous For My Dog?

Can Dogs Eat Pear? Is Pear Safe For Dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Pear? Is Pear Safe For Dogs?

Share small amounts (a few slices) of fresh pear only occasionally. Pears, like many fruits, have a higher sugar content than most dog treats.

Too much sugar and fiber can cause digestive upset, not to mention weight gain. Make sure not to share the stems, leaves or pear seeds. These contain small amounts of toxic cyanide.

And do not share pears if your dog is diabetic, as the sugar content is likely to increase his blood sugar. It is also recommended to stay away from canned pears. They are usually loaded with extra sugar, as well as other ingredients that dogs should not have.

How Many ears Can My Dog ​​Eat?

Veterinarians generally recommend that parents of dogs follow the 10% rule. Treats, including fruit, can make up 10% of the calories in your dog's diet.

Pears contain a good amount of sugar, so they are higher in calories than other vegetables. Fresh pears contain about 10% sugar by weight and a cup of chopped pears contains about 15 grams of sugar and 85 calories. This can make pears an occasional treat for dogs on a low-calorie diet. Pears are not a good treat for diabetic dogs.

If your dog likes pears, consider mixing them with low-calorie cucumbers and celery for your next puppy vegetable platter.

Pears For Strong Dog Bones

Can Dogs Eat Pear? Is Pear Safe For Dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Pear? Is Pear Safe For Dogs?

By looking at the nutrition facts for pears, you can see that the second most common vitamin is vitamin K. With a recommended daily value of 9% vitamin K, your dog will be able to get more than enough K from pears.

But what does vitamin K do for your dog? This special vitamin is known to increase bone density in dogs and humans. Therefore, higher bone density leads to healthier and stronger bones in dogs.

This means that pears will be good for active dog breeds that put a lot of stress on the bones while running and jumping. An aging dog can also benefit from pears due to the inevitable weakening of the bones.

For more vitamin K: celery, cucumbers, blueberries, carrots all contain a good amount. However, broccoli contains the most with 245% of the daily value recommended by man for vitamin K.

Pears For a Healthy Dog ​​Heart

Can Dogs Eat Pear? Is Pear Safe For Dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Pear? Is Pear Safe For Dogs?

Although pears are not generally known for potassium, they contain a respectable amount. A single medium-sized pear can have about 5% of the human-recommended daily value for potassium. A few pieces of pear per week are more than enough for your dog to benefit from this special nutrient.

But what does this nutrient actually do for your dog? Potassium is an electrolytic mineral known to promote regular heart function. Thus, this nutrient can promote a healthy heart in your dog. In fact, if the potassium levels in a dog become relatively low, it could cause arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat).

Pears, as well as its potassium, would make a lot of sense for an old dog. But if your dog has been diagnosed with arrhythmia, be sure to consult your local veterinarian before using Pears as a treatment supplement for the disease.

Of course, bananas are known to contain a good amount of potassium. However, avocados can provide your dog with even more potassium. Other fruits with this nutrient include tomatoes, oranges, broccoli, and cucumbers. On the other hand, peanuts can promote a healthy dog ​​heart in other ways.

Pears Promote Healthy Dog ​​Brains

Pears may not have as much vitamin B6 as bananas or avocados, but they always contain a good amount. Your dog can get about 5% of the daily recommended value of vitamin B6 from a human from a single pear.

Vitamin B6 is an essential vitamin known to properly develop the brain and promote regular brain function. B6 is also responsible for the secretion of important hormones, such as serotonin and norepinephrine, which directly affect your dog's mood. Keep a dog happy with pears and vitamin B6.

Other human foods that contain a lot of vitamin B6 include bananas, apples, pineapples, mangoes, and avocados.

Pear Preparation For Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Pear? Is Pear Safe For Dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Pear? Is Pear Safe For Dogs?

The first step is to wash the pear as thoroughly as possible. The skin of the pear contains a lot of bacteria and pesticides coming directly from the farm. And although dogs handle bacteria well, the pesticide can be a real health problem if ingested.

Next, you will want to remove the stem, the pit, and all the seeds. From our discussion, the seeds contain cyanide, which can become complicated if consumed over a long period. Not to mention, the seeds pose a risk of suffocation and could potentially obstruct the dog's intestinal tract.

Many people have asked me if they should remove the pear skin with a peeler. The truth is that, like apples, much of the nutrients are found in the skin of pears. Leave the skin on for your dogs to eat if you can.

Never give them one whole fruit at a time, especially if this is the first time the dog has eaten pear. You want to start with a few slices. For the first 24 hours after consuming the dog's pear, watch them carefully.

Make sure they don't exhibit unusual behaviors, such as lack of energy or mood swings. Check on the stool to make sure the dog has no diarrhea or extra loose stools. If everything looks good, they are probably in the clear. Feel free to feed more pears over time!

Pear Treat Recipe

Now that you've learned all the great nutrients and health benefits that pears can provide to dogs, you can start feeding them raw pears. However, if you want to get a little creative, make them a dog treat with pear and molasses! These dog treats are delicious and contain all the nutrition of pears. This recipe was brought to you by the Dog Tipper (

Making dog treats with pears can be a great way to get your dog to eat a pear.


2 cups chopped/cored pears
2 ½ cups whole wheat flour
¼ cup of water
1 tablespoon baking powder
3 tablespoons molasses


Grease and line a baking sheet or silicone mat.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Wash the pears thoroughly and remove the pit, seeds, and stem.
Chop the pears with a knife or blender.
Throw all the ingredients in a large bowl and mix well (the dough will be a bit sticky).
Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface (about ¼ inch thick).
Use a cookie cutter to cut the dough into the shape of the dog treat of your choice.
Put the cut dough on a baking sheet and bake for about 30 minutes or until golden brown.

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