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Can Dogs Eat Turkey? Is Turkey Good For Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Turkey? Is Turkey Good For Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Turkey? Is Turkey Good For Dogs
Can Dogs Eat Turkey? Is Turkey Good For Dogs

Thanksgiving, for most families, is all about the bird. Roasting and watering lasts for several hours. Once the feast is over, you can prepare turkey sandwiches, turkey pies, and turkey pans. In the middle of all these turkey remains, it's tempting to give our dogs meat, or even make a plate as a special Thanksgiving treat.

But can dogs eat turkey? Is it good for them? Are there any risks? Here's what you need to know about feeding turkey to dogs so that your dog spends the holidays safely.

Can Dogs Eat Turkey?

Can dogs eat turkey? You can ask this if you want to share a little of your Thanksgiving treat with your puppy, or maybe you want to give them a bite of your turkey sandwich. Humans eat turkey, is it safe for dogs?

The short answer is yes. The dogs can eat turkey, but this has some reservations. A simple, white, bone-free turkey is usually a safe treat for puppies, but there are many exceptions. And as always, you must ask your veterinarian before sharing any human food with your dog, including the turkey.

Even healthy foods for dogs should be administered in moderation and do not interfere with their usual diet. Here are some tips about feeding your canine turkey.

Is The Turkey Good For Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Turkey? Is Turkey Good For Dogs
Can Dogs Eat Turkey? Is Turkey Good For Dogs

Overall, turkey is a very common ingredient in many dog ​​food brands. Therefore, giving your dog moderate food is generally acceptable, as long as you get the advice of your veterinarian first. Make sure it is white meat, boneless and unprepared.

Turkey is even common in treats. My dog ​​loves the freezer-dried turkey bites that I get at a local pet store, probably a bit too much. However, they are perfect for him and are suitable for almost all dogs.

Turkey can also be an alternative protein source for dogs that are allergic to other meats, such as beef or chicken. If your dog has food allergies, talk to your veterinarian. They can also suggest adding turkey to your dog's diet.

When Is Turkey Bad For Dogs

Dogs can usually eat turkey unless you have medical problems such as allergies, and you must first remove all bones from the meat.

Bird bones such as turkey, chicken, and duck are fragile and break easily, especially when cooked. Feeding them with your dog can cause serious problems because they are often known to break in the throat or in the digestive tract, which can lead to severe pain and bleeding in your dog.

You should also not give your dog a seasoned turkey, as many types of seasonings can be toxic or harmful to dogs. So, unless you're thinking of seasoning the meat before or during cooking, it's probably best not to give your dog the Thanksgiving turkey.

There is also the question of the content of the stuffing that you put in your bird during cooking. Onions can be toxic to dogs, and many herbs and oils can also cause various digestive problems.

Also, be sure to prepare the turkey yourself and be fresh. Turkey with preservatives, like most meat turkeys, can contain chemicals that are difficult for dogs to digest. It is better to avoid them.

How To Feed Your Dog In Turkey Safely

If you decide to feed your dog with turkey this Thanksgiving, you need to know a few points to do it safely.

1. Skip the skin. All this fat and seasoning is dangerous for dogs. The fat content can cause pancreatitis and seasonings can irritate your dog's stomach.
2. Make sure to feed only your dog's turkey meat. Onions are toxic to dogs and garlic is potentially toxic in large quantities.
3. Feed your dog only small amounts of turkey and discuss with your veterinarian the possibility of adding leftover food, especially if your dog has a pre-existing condition, such as diabetes.
4. Make sure there is no bone in the meat you give to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Turkey Bones?

Can Dogs Eat Turkey? Is Turkey Good For Dogs
Can Dogs Eat Turkey? Is Turkey Good For Dogs

Poultry bones, especially cooked poultry bones, are fragile. This, combined with their small size, makes them very dangerous for dogs. Veterinarians advise against feeding dogs with bones of any kind, including poultry bones, as they can cause the following problems:

1. Injuries to the mouth and tongue
2. Obstruction of the throat or intestinal tract
3. choking
4. Bone fragments can pierce the lining of the stomach and intestines
5. constipation
6. Rectal bleeding of acute bone fragments
7. Blockages requiring emergency surgery

If you want to give your dog a bone, try a big bone of nylon or rubber chew or another chew toy of appropriate size. Some of them are even flavored and your dog will live to chew another day.

Does Turkey Have Side Effects?

All dogs love bones, but like all poultry, turkeys have very fragile bones. This means that they should not be administered to dogs as they may break and suffocate them. Smaller bone fragments can also cause problems further down the digestive tract. The best thing to do is to make sure you always remove all turkey bones before feeding your dog's meat.

Some dogs may also have an allergic reaction to turkey. Although this is quite rare, allergy can occur in a variety of ways, including scratching, hair loss, leg bites, rashes, and vomiting. If you notice your dog reacting to the turkey, stop feeding him immediately and give him a cool bath to soothe the rashes.

For more serious reactions, you must immediately take your dog to the vet.

There are also some pet foods and treats that may contain traces of turkey. Toothpastes flavored with pig treats may contain turkey. Check the label before giving them to your dog.

Are There Alternatives To Turkey?

If your dog has an allergic reaction to turkey, he will not necessarily be allergic to all types of protein. Duck is the poultry substitute most often used for turkey, but you can also see if the chicken induces the same answer.

Chicken is the bird most likely to cause allergic reactions. So be careful not to give the chicken to your dog if he has not already done so and he has shown allergic tendencies. Just start with a small amount. More exotic birds are less likely to cause allergic reactions, but they are also more expensive options.

Turkey Recipes To Try At Home

Can Dogs Eat Turkey? Is Turkey Good For Dogs
Can Dogs Eat Turkey? Is Turkey Good For Dogs

Turkey and vegetables

1 ½ cups brown rice

1 tablespoon of cooking oil

3 pounds of chopped turkey

3 cups chopped spinach

2 grated carrots

1 grated zucchini

½ cup of peas


Boil the rice until completely cooked, drain and set aside.

Heat the oil in the pan, then add the turkey. Stir slowly for even cooking, breaking large pieces of meat.

Add all the vegetables and boiled rice to the pan and continue cooking until the spinach is faded.

Allow to cool before serving and freeze portions for later.

Turkey Deals

1 ¾ cup whole wheat flour

2 ½ cups quick-cooking oats

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 cup turkey broth (or chicken)

1 ½ cup chopped turkey


Heat the oven to 350 degrees.

Grease and line a baking sheet.

Mix all the dry ingredients in a large bowl and set aside.

Mix broth and turkey meat until you have a pasty consistency, much like a portion of baby food.

Add the meat mixture to the dry ingredients and use your hands to form a paste.

Roll out the dough and use a cookie cutter (a bone shape is always pretty) to form each cookie.

Place the cookies on the baking sheet and cook for 25 minutes until golden brown.

Let cool completely before serving.


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