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Can Dogs Eat Fish? Is Fish Safe For Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Fish? Is Fish Safe For Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Fish? Is Fish Safe For Dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Fish? Is Fish Safe For Dogs?

If you've ever had a look at your dog's food ingredients panel or looked at other brands of dog food in the store, know that fish is often on the menu. The fact that it is an ingredient in dog food does not mean that dogs can safely eat any fish we throw away. If you want to add a fish treat to your dog's diet, here's what you need to know.

Fish Benefits For Dogs

Dogs love the smell of fish, and in this case, there is a reason. Fish is a healthy source of protein and is often included in commercial dog food as an alternative source of protein. Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which veterinarians believe could have health benefits, such as decreased inflammation. Fish is also a good alternative for dogs with food allergies to more common ingredients, such as chicken.

Fish can be an important part of a homemade diet, but if you choose to feed it with homemade fish, be sure to consult your veterinarian or a board-certified nutritionist to make sure you meet all the requirements. nutritional needs of your dog. The first time you give your dog a fish, give only a small portion of it until you determine if your dog can tolerate that particular fish without an allergic reaction or a gastrointestinal disorder.

Best Types Of Fish For Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Fish? Is Fish Safe For Dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Fish? Is Fish Safe For Dogs?

There are many fish in the sea, but the most common types of fish used in commercial dog foods are short-lived species such as salmon, lake whitefish, lake whitefish, herring, walleye, plaice, and Arctic char. Longer lived fish species, such as tuna and swordfish, may contain heavy metals such as mercury. Mercury accumulates over time in the fish system and can lead to heavy metal toxicity, which is why it is better to feed a shorter life fish species than tuna or swordfish. With so many fish to choose from, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Can Dogs Eat Fish? Is Fish Safe For Dogs?

Risks Related To Feeding Fish To Dogs

The fish itself is not harmful to dogs, but its preparation can cause problems. Fish cooked in too much oil can cause gastrointestinal disorders in dogs, or even a serious illness such as pancreatitis. Seasonings can also cause serious health problems for dogs, especially if they contain toxic ingredients, such as garlic. The biggest risk of feeding the dogs to the fish, however, is the bones.

Can Dogs Eat Fish Bones?

Fishbones are small, fragile and dangerous. They can lodge in the mouth, throat, stomach, and intestines of your dog, sometimes even piercing the wall of the organ. Not only is this painful, but it can also result in an expensive visit to the veterinarian. Although there are many anecdotal stories about dogs eating fish bones without problems, in this case, it is best to consider the advice of veterinarians and play carefully.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Fish?

Can Dogs Eat Fish? Is Fish Safe For Dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Fish? Is Fish Safe For Dogs?

Raw fish may contain harmful bacteria such as salmonella and listeria. This is problematic for two reasons. First, it can make your dog sick and secondly, according to the FDA, it can also make you sick, as well as other members of your family. This is especially worrying for young children, who may come into contact with your dog's saliva more than adults, as well as people with compromised immune systems. If you choose to eat raw food with fish, be sure to take the appropriate precautions suggested by the FDA to prepare your dog's meals, such as complete disinfection of all surfaces and bowls after use, as well as washing hands.

How Much Fish Is Too Much Or Dogs?

Too many good things can become a problem. Natural fish, cooked, steamed or grilled is suitable for dogs that eat in moderation. Excessive consumption of fish can lead to obesity. Consult your veterinarian for the size of fish portions your dog should use, especially if you plan to feed them as part of your diet.

As humans with varied diets, we tend to forget that dogs fed on commercial, complete and balanced feeds do not need additional nutrition unless advised by a veterinarian. Table scraps, including fish, are not necessary for your dog's health, but fish can be a good occasional treat for dogs, as long as owners keep an eye on their dog's weight. A general rule of thumb for portion control is to make sure that treats are only 10% of your dog's daily diet.

Types Of Fish That Are Safe For Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Fish? Is Fish Safe For Dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Fish? Is Fish Safe For Dogs?

Fish most commonly found in dog food as primary protein include whitefish, lake whitefish, herring, walleye, flounder, Arctic char, and northern pike. Keep in mind, however, that seasonings, such as salt and pepper, and greasing options, such as butter, oil, and oil sprays, should be avoided. When you feed a piece of fish with your dog (or any home-made protein), keep it simple, consider buying boneless fillets and inspecting the fish before and after cooking to make sure no bones have not been forgotten.

Can Dogs Eat Tuna Or Raw Fish?

Can Dogs Eat Fish? Is Fish Safe For Dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Fish? Is Fish Safe For Dogs?

Heavy metals accumulate in long-lived fish such as tuna and swordfish and can cause health problems, especially concerning mercury. Because of the high levels of mercury found in these long-lived fish, as shown by this list of mercury levels published by the FDA, it would be wise to avoid giving your dog tuna and similar fish to eat. Fortunately, today's dog food tends to contain shorter life fish (like those listed above) to reduce the risk of heavy metal toxicity, Hohenhaus said.

In the case of feeding your dog with raw fish, it is better to prevent than cure and to cook it well before feeding it to your animal. "Feeding [a dog] raw fish leaves one afraid of ingestion of parasites normally killed by cooking," said Hohenhaus. Also, the FDA believes that animal-based raw meat foods can actually endanger the general public, endangering the health of the pet owner when raw meat is not properly maintained or cleaned.

The Health Benefits Of Eating Fish

If you stick to the list of short-lived fish and cook them properly, fish can be a healthy and healthy meal for your dog. "Fish is an excellent source of protein-rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which has beneficial health effects, such as decreased inflammation," Hohenhaus said. Also, fish-based foods can be a good option for dogs with food allergies.

"Fish is not a standard dog food and is an alternative protein source for beef, chicken, and turkey," Hohenhaus said. Just read your dog's food label carefully to make sure it does not contain other sources of protein (those labeled "fish recipe" or "fish preparation" may also contain other sources of protein). "If your dog has allergies and your vet recommends a home-made fish diet, be sure to follow the recipe exactly, otherwise you risk causing nutritional deficiencies," she added. "For a long-term home-cooked diet, you may want to have a recipe prepared by a licensed veterinary nutritionist."

If your dog loves the taste of fish, let it engulf all the health benefits such as omega-3 fatty acids and proteins, but remember the other nutrients it needs, such as vitamins and antioxidants. "Dogs need more than just fish - they need a complete and balanced diet," Hohenhaus said. "All the foods you choose for your dog (fish-based or otherwise) must carry the AAFCO label stating that the diet is complete and balanced for your dog's stage of life."

What Fish Can Dogs Eat?

Can Dogs Eat Fish? Is Fish Safe For Dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Fish? Is Fish Safe For Dogs?

Cooked dishes without adding fat, seasonings or sauces, these types of fish can all give your dog:

Lean fish like cod and haddock are an excellent source of protein and B vitamins: B6, B12, and niacin.

An excellent source of protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Try our hand-made salmon cookies

A fatty fish rich in essential fatty acids. Be careful of bones - sardine bones may be small, but may still get stuck in your dog's throat.

Can dogs eat tuna? In moderation, yes. It contains essential fatty acids, but also a lot of mercury and histamine, so just leave it to your dog.

Blue Mackerel
Atlantic mackerel is a good source of omega-3 and has a lower mercury content than other types of mackerel. It is therefore safe for your dog.

What Fish Can Dogs Not Eat?

Not all fish are good for your dog. The fish and seafood your dog can not eat include:

Smoked Salmon
Regular salmon is good, but when this nutrient-rich fish is smoked it is forbidden. This is because the smoking process involves healing the fish in brine. This makes it too salty for dogs.

Crustaceans are filter feeders, so they can contain dangerous levels of toxins like heavy metals. They are also a common cause of food poisoning. Although green lip mussels can be a rich source of glucosamine, it is best to avoid them. There are other safer ways to give your dog this joint-friendly supplement.

So, Can Dogs Eat Fish?

In summary, dogs can eat fish, and fish can be part of a healthy diet for your dog, provided it is fully cooked, without any extra oil, seasoning, boneless and not a species subject to high concentrations of mercury. like tuna. For more information on feeding the dog or fish, contact your veterinarian.


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