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Can Dogs Eat Cheese? Are Cheese Safe For Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Cheese? Are Cheese Safe For Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Cheese? Are Cheese Safe For Dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Cheese? Are Cheese Safe For Dogs?

Yes, dogs can eat cheese. In fact, cheese is often an excellent training tool, especially for puppies. But should dogs eat cheese? Although some dogs can eat cheese and most dogs love it, many dogs can be cheese intolerant. Even for dogs that can tolerate cheese, it is probably best to feed it in moderation.

Cheese And Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Cheese? Are Cheese Safe For Dogs?

The cheese contains calcium, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B12, phosphorus, and zinc. All these nutrients are essential to the health and well-being of your dog.

Cheese also contains fat and sodium, which are important for your dog's health, but too much of these substances can cause problems.

From the evolution point of view, dogs are very recently wolves. The vast majority of wolf energy comes from fats and proteins. Therefore, your dog should not be negatively affected by a small amount of extra fat in his diet.

Cheese and cheese products are made in the minds of men. We like the taste of salt, so it often goes into cheese.

Unfortunately, as in humans, high amounts of sodium can cause high blood pressure in dogs, which can eventually lead to organ damage.

However, sodium is essential to your dog's health, which probably draws its supply from the usual dog food. Although your dog's sodium intake is not limited, unless directed otherwise by your veterinarian, it is best to check the sodium content of the nutrition label and choose a cheese with a modest sodium content.

Can My Dog ​Eat Cheddar Cheese? Mozzarella?

Aged cheeses such as Cheddar, Parmesan and Swiss contain very little lactose and therefore should not cause as much stomach ache as, for example, fat mozzarella. It really depends on your dog and the amount of cheese you give him throughout the day. If you notice that your dog has gas after giving cheese (believe us, you'll know it), you may want to find an alternative. If you find that this only happened after eating the delicious cheesecake that you left on the counter, it might be okay to try a small piece of cheddar or other low-lactose cheese.

What About Cottage Cheese?

Cottage cheese is fermented and can be considered a low lactose food. (Although it is often mixed with other dairy products, so be sure to label the type you buy.) Its bland flavor makes it an ideal food for bouncing dogs after having a stomach ache. Besides, it is rich in calcium and protein. It also contains a lot of fat and calories, so share it in moderation or avoid sharing a cottage or any other type of cheese if your dog is carrying extra pounds.

When Is Cheese Bad For Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Cheese? Are Cheese Safe For Dogs?

The main concerns about cheese are its lactose content and the possibility of an allergic reaction. Is lactose in cheese suitable for dogs? How to tell if your dog is allergic to cheese?

Lactose is a naturally occurring sugar in milk. Young mammals, including dogs and humans, produce an enzyme, lactase, which allows them to digest lactose. Most adult mammals do not produce much lactase. This is because they can usually find their own food and do not need their mother's milk.

Given the above, can dogs have cheese? Is cheese acceptable for dogs to eat under all circumstances? Yes, dogs can have cheese, but no, it's not acceptable for all dogs.

Some dogs are lactose intolerant because they do not produce the lactase enzyme needed for digestion. Other dogs may be allergic to cow's milk protein, which may cause an allergic reaction to cheese.

The fermentation process (also called ripening) followed by most cheeses eliminates most of the lactose. Cheese contains a lot less than milk. Therefore, the cheese in small amounts is suitable, but it should not replace a meal.

When is cheese bad for dogs? When they are lactose intolerant or allergic to milk.

We talked about dogs that can eat cheese and when cheese is bad for dogs, but is it good for them?

Can Dogs Eat String Cheese?

String cheese is usually just mozzarella that has been handled so that the proteins in the cheese are aligned. This causes the tearing effect associated with this type of cheese to nibble.

In terms of nutrition, string cheese (and mozzarella in general) does not contain much salt or lactose.

The only problem predictable with this type of cheese is that its swirling character could make your dog difficult to swallow, making it a choking hazard. This is easily solved by cutting or cutting into small pieces.

Can Dogs Eat Swiss Cheese?

Swiss cheese is a hard cheese, refined, with a nutty taste. The recognizable holes are caused by gas bubbles that form during fermentation.

The lactose content of this cheese is quite low, so it can be given to dogs with relative safety. As with any cheese, feed it sparingly and watch for side effects.

Can Dogs Eat Parmesan Cheese?

Parmesan is a hard and friable cheese with a pungent smell. It contains little lactose, like other hard cheeses. However, it usually contains a lot of sodium and is therefore not a good choice of cheese for your dog.

Dogs have a sense of smell much more powerful than us. It is therefore quite possible that the smell would dissuade them anyway (or seduce even more!).

We talked exclusively about cheeses made with cow's milk, but they are not the only types of cheese. Let's see if goat cheese is suitable for a dog.

Can Dogs Eat Goat Cheese?

Can dogs eat goat milk cheese?

A study published in the journal of biological chemistry revealed that goat's milk usually contains a little more lactose than cow's milk. The same goes for goat cheese. Adopt it with the same caution as other dairy products.

Goat cheese is usually quite expensive, so it may not be the best choice for dog treats.

How To Tell If My Dog ​​Has Eaten Too Much Cheese

Can Dogs Eat Cheese? Are Cheese Safe For Dogs?

Even if your dog is not lactose intolerant or allergic to milk, cheese can be a problem if your dog eats too much.

In the short term, you will notice digestive changes that may include constipation, diarrhea, flatulence or vomiting. If this happens, remove the cheese from its diet and make sure it drinks plenty of water. Talk to your veterinarian about your dog's specific situation for treatment recommendations.

In the long run, too much cheese can lead to problems with obesity, high blood pressure or pancreatitis. However, feeding the cheese in small amounts does not contribute to the development of these problems.

Should I Give My Dog ​​Cheese

Your dog's nutritional needs can be easily met without including cheese in his diet. However, if you want to use it as a treat or reward, or to hide a pill, the nutrients it receives will go perfectly to the usual dog food.

The best way to feed your dog is to introduce any new food slowly. If your dog does not react badly, there is no reason not to give him cheese occasionally. However, if your dog reacts badly, stop giving him cheese and talk to your veterinarian.

Dogs can develop allergies at any time. So always make sure to change your behavior or change your habits when changing diets. Symptoms of lactose intolerance or milk allergy include vomiting, gas, bloating, diarrhea (which can cause accidents), redness and itching of the skin.

How To Prepare Cheese For Dogs

When buying cheese for your dog, look for less sodium options and, apart from cottage cheese, go for hard cheese. Cheddar and Swiss are good options.

Please note that some ingredients commonly added to cheese may be toxic to dogs. Avoid any cheese with added ingredients, such as chives, garlic or onions.

Of course, the piece of cheese that you give to your dog must be of a size and shape that does not present any risk of choking.

Cheese, Dogs, And Medicines

Do you have a difficult dog who will not take his pills? Cheese is widely recognized as a way to hide drugs, excluding antibiotics. Like humans, dogs find cheese irresistible, making it an ingenious method of ingestion.

Besides, mixing cottage cheese and cooked white rice equally can help your dog recover from a sensitive stomach. Cheese can also be useful for animating prescription food if your dog does not show interest. (Please check with your veterinarian to make sure it's a good idea.) Some prescription plans depend on strict compliance at work.

Service Suggestions

How much cheese should you feed your dog? The answer depends of course on the size of your dog, the way he manages the cheese and his diet. That said, here are some ideas:

Small pieces of cheddar or mozzarella may be useful during training or as an occasional reward.
Add some cottage cheese to your dog's usual food.
Serve a small amount of cottage cheese alone as an occasional treat.
Treats are designed as an occasional food. Practice moderation when feeding your dog's dairy products.


Of course, your dogs can eat cheese, including cheddar, mozzarella, and cottage cheese.
Because cheese is as fat as it is tasty, moderation is key.
Make sure your dog is not lactose intolerant before starting to offer cheese as a treat.
Cheese is great for hiding drugs, but not antibiotics!


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