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Can Dogs Eat Bread? Is Bread Safe For Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Bread? Is Bread Safe For Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Bread? Is Bread Safe For Dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Bread? Is Bread Safe For Dogs?

It is thought that bread is one of the oldest foods in the world. It is commonly eaten in cultures around the world for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. However, not all foods for human consumption are safe for dogs, even if they seem innocuous like bread. So, can dogs eat bread? We will take a look.

Can Dogs Eat Bread? 

There is nothing inherently dangerous about sharing bread with dogs. However, there are a few things to remember when you share bread with your dogs. On the one hand, it is important to monitor the amount of bread they eat. "In small quantities, [ordinary] bread will not be a problem for a dog," says Jenna Mahan, Claims Manager at Embrace Pet Insurance, Jenny Mahan.

"Bread can be given to dogs, but it's caloric density is important," says Dr. Tina Wismer, Medical Director of the ASPCA Animal Poison Center, APCC. Talk to your veterinarian if you feel that your dog is underweight and you want to help him gain weight - healthily and safely.

Can Dogs Eat Bread That is Not Ordinary?

To answer the question "Can dogs eat bread?", It is important to remember that not all bread is the same. Although most breads are safe for dogs, some breads can make your dog very sick, or even kill him. Bread is dangerous when it contains ingredients that can be toxic to dogs.

For example, Dr. Wismer warns that it is important to avoid raisin bread because grapes - such as grapes - can cause kidney failure in dogs.

Is it Safe For Dogs To Eat Bread?

Can Dogs Eat Bread? Is Bread Safe For Dogs?
Can Dogs Eat Bread? Is Bread Safe For Dogs?

The short and the simple answer to the question "Can dogs eat bread?" Is yes. Dogs can eat bread safely in the same way as humans, in moderation. White bread and wheat bread are generally safe for dogs, as long as they have no allergies and usually do not cause stomach upset.

Feeding your dog like a treat from time to time will not hurt her, as long as she also gets a full, balanced diet and plenty of exercise. It will not help him either. Bread is essentially a filling food and contains no nutrients that are not already provided by your dog's food. As all those who have already considered dieting know, bread is full of carbohydrates, which can put your dog on the road to obesity if you are not careful.

Risks Of Giving Bread To Dogs

The long answer to the question is a bit more complicated. The bread itself is usually not poisonous, but there are exceptions. Here's what you need to know about the risks of distributing dog bread to keep your dog happy and healthy.

Hazardous Bread Dough

If you have already baked bread from scratch, you know that the dough needs to rise, preferably in a warm, humid, draft-free environment. Unfortunately for dogs fed bread dough, their stomach offers optimal conditions for dough lifting.

When a dog eats bread dough, the yeast contained in the dough continues to lift the dough, which distends his stomach and releases toxic levels of ethanol into the dog's bloodstream. The pressure of the rising dough can mimic and cause swelling, but the real danger comes from alcoholic toxicosis. If your dog is fed bread dough or if you believe you have stolen bread dough, call your veterinarian immediately and look for symptoms of alcoholic toxicosis:

1. Depressed central nervous system
2. Weakness
3. depression
4. unstable gait, drunk
5. hypothermia
6. seizures
7. Coma

Toxic Ingredients Of Bread

Unless your dog is allergic to wheat, white or white bread will probably not hurt him. All breads are not so harmless. Some breads contain toxic ingredients that should never be given to dogs.

The biggest danger comes from raisins. Raisins are very toxic and are often found in breads and baked goods. Veterinarians do not know why some dogs are more susceptible to raisins than others, but even some raisins can be a problem. Raisin bread should be kept out of the reach of dogs at all times and should not be fed as a treat, even if the portion you are eating does not contain raisins.

Garlic is an ingredient found in bread that can be toxic to your dogs. Garlic bread may tempt your dog's nose, but garlic can cause serious side effects, such as abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, and collapse.

Some breads contain nuts and seeds, which attract humans for their taste and health benefits, but can cause problems for dogs. Macadamia nut is the main hazard, but even "safe" nuts and seeds can cause stomach irritation and pancreatitis because of their high-fat content.

Xylitol is an artificial sweetener more and more popular. It is most commonly found in sugar-free chewing gum and, more recently, in some brands of peanut butter and bakery products. Although harmless to humans, xylitol is toxic to dogs. If you regularly give your dog bread or pastries, be sure to check the ingredients and double-check your peanut butter ingredients before sharing your peanut butter and jelly sandwich (without grapes).

Is Bread Good For Dogs With An Upset Stomach?

You may have heard people tell you that bread is good for dogs with stomach problems. While this may sometimes be the case, the Merck Veterinary Manual recommends feeding dogs with stomach upset or boiled rice, or better still, to your veterinarian.
As with all scraps, bread adds calories to your dog's diet. If your dog is overweight, talk to your veterinarian about moderating your diet and plan to keep your dog healthy, happy and active. Bread contains a lot of calories and is high in calories. Therefore, only feed your dog with very small pieces of bread at a time to avoid obesity-related diseases, such as diabetes.

The Wonder Of Wonderful Bread For Dogs

Experts agree that a small amount of white bread or wheat bread should not harm your dog, as long as he has no allergy to wheat. As with humans, it is important not to overeat foods high in carbohydrates, high in calories and low in nutrients.

Be sure to carefully check the list of ingredients. You will want to avoid giving your dog anything with raisins, garlic, nuts or xylitol, an artificial sweetener. These have varying degrees of toxicity to dogs and can cause everything from diarrhea to pancreatitis to even kidney failure.

Are There Any Benefits Of Bread For Dogs?

Can Dogs Eat Bread? Is Bread Safe For Dogs?

In addition to being a tasty and occasional treat, the bread contains fiber, especially whole grain bread or other cereals, which could be beneficial for your dog's diet in case of lack. However, you should talk to your veterinarian before adding bread as a regular nutritional supplement, as there may be healthier options.

Some people use bread to soothe a dog's stomach ache, but veterinarians agree that plain white rice is a safer bet.

No Raw Dough, Although

While their ancestors may have eaten raw meat, one thing that dogs should never eat raw is bread dough.

The warmth of a dog's stomach serves as an oven and once the dough is in, it continues to rise, swelling and distending the intestine.

Even worse, ethanol, a byproduct of bread yeast, can intoxicate your dog. If you know that your dog has eaten raw dough or if you notice signs of alcoholic toxicosis, such as seizures, depression, weakness, hypothermia, unstable walking or even coma, you should call your veterinarian immediately.

So, the next time Fido will give you a puppy treat, you can consider giving him some simple bread. Just be sure to check the ingredients, make sure the bread is cooked and give it a small amount.

Can Dogs Eat Bread With Nuts?

Breads containing nuts are also dangerous for dogs. "Macadamia nuts, in particular, are toxic to dogs, and all nuts are high in fat," says Jenna. High-fat treats can cause gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea or vomiting in dogs. Jenna warns that too many high-fat treats can even cause pancreatitis in a dog.

→ Read More About Can Dogs Eat Nuts

Can dogs eat bread ... before it is cooked?

Answering the question "Can dogs eat bread?" Bread dough is another story. "The rise of bread ingested by a dog can continue to rise in the stomach and cause pain, bloating and other problems," advises Jenna. Besides, Jenna explains that bread dough can intoxicate your dog because of the ethanol in the dough, which is a byproduct of the yeast used to make bread.

Can Dogs Eat Bread For Health Reasons?

Can dogs eat bread for its dietary benefits ... and should they? First, talk to your veterinarian before adding bread to your dog's diet. If you're trying to add more fiber to your dog's diet, Dr. Wismer suggests that the whole wheat or cereal-based breads are the best to share with your dog. Other types of bread, such as plain white bread or French bread, are not harmful to your dog, but they contain less fiber.

Can Dogs Eat Bread In Other Circumstances?

Should your dog take a prescription but not swallow the tablets? Dr. Wismer suggests using plain bread to create "tiny peanut butter sandwiches" for your dog (make sure peanut butter does not contain xylitol!). These small sandwiches can be a great place to hide pills to make sure your dog gets the medicine he needs.


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